5 ways to stop busy season becoming burnout season
As the dreaded January busy season looms, it’s essential that you think about how to prepare yourself to avoid it having repercussions for your health and your practice.
We’re talking about burnout – recognised as
an “occupational phenomenon” by the World Health Organisation (WHO). It’s more
than just ‘being stressed’.
Burnout could severely disrupt your working life – more sick days, feeling run down and exhausted, or losing interest in work you previously enjoyed. What’s more, as burnout can last for months, if not years, it can wreak havoc on the lives of those who suffer from it.
Accountants are clearly at risk, given the
heavy workloads, competing deadlines, and the dreaded January busy season. So,
what can you do? Here are five key areas to think about, which should ensure
you don’t fall victim. Prevention is always better than cure.
1. Watch out for early symptoms
Identifying early signs of burnout is vital. The WHO has defined burnout and its characteristics as:
“[…] a syndrome conceptualised as resulting
from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. It is characterised
by three dimensions:
- feelings of
energy depletion or exhaustion; - increased
mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related
to one’s job; and - reduced
professional efficacy.”
High-achieving individuals and perfectionists
could have a higher risk of experiencing burnout.
2. Cut down a little
Work less? That’s easier said than done, we
hear you say. But some time away from the office can do wonders to help reset
yourself mentally and reduce any feelings of burnout. Taking time off during
busy season may be tricky. However, try to make sure you’re using your full
entitlement of annual leave each year. If you think you might need a longer
break, see whether your firm has a policy that allows you to purchase additional
3. Put yourself first
Not eating properly? Going to bed late? Spending
too much time sitting and not exercising?
These are all bad habits that are easy to slip into
when facing high levels of stress and a challenging workload. Be warned though
– these actions are a fast track to increasing the risk of burnout.
While improvements might not happen overnight, try
to introduce more self-care into your daily routine. This could mean making a
conscious effort to have a better night’s sleep, eating a balanced meal for
dinner, or trying to get active a few times a week. Even adopting one of these
changes could improve your overall wellbeing.
4. A more flexible work life
They say a change is as good as a rest. Well, why
not change your work routine by working from home or somewhere else for the odd
day? Flexible working and a change of scenery can help reduce feelings of
Or, if you’d prefer to stay in the office, see if
you can work adjusted hours, perhaps coming into work a little later and
leaving earlier to avoid peak rush hour.
5. Seek support
If you get to a point when you feel like you’re
burnt out or on the verge of it, one of the best things to do is reach out for
help. If a colleague, manager, or even partner is aware of your situation, they
can put measures in place to support you as you recover.
Professional accounting bodies can also assist. For example, CABA offers free and confidential services to past and present members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) in areas as diverse as wellbeing, emotional support, and career development, among others.
At IRIS we’re always looking at ways to help accountants and tax advisers simplify their tasks. Why not take a look at our cloud software for accountants to help make light work of things like tax and accounts?